For emergency shelter call: United Way at 651.291.0211
or St. Paul Opportunity Center at 651.404.6407 or Adult Shelter Connect at 612.248.2350 or Hennepin County Family Shelter Team at 612.348.9410 or Day One for Domestic Abuse Shelter at 1.866.223.1111 Cornerstone - Bloomington Domestic Shelter Women's Advocates - St. Paul Domestic Shelter Additional housing resources include: Coordinated Entry is the system for accessing supportive housing resources in the metro area. RentHelpMN COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance (Need help finding or paying for rental housing?) HomeHelpMN COVID-19 Homeowner Assistance Fund Habitat for Humanity Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program HousingLink Minnesota Housing Department Minnesota Homeownership Center Minnesota Housing Support Minnesota Housing Assistance HomeLine Check out area CAPs (Community Action Partnerships) too |